Friday, May 27, 2011


Weird random things happen to my sister fairly often. She managed to break her pinky finger skating carefully around a rink, and had to have a two and a half hour long surgery on it. The surgery didn't work very well and her finger is still a little crooked. Two weeks ago she was running on the pavement in bare feet and somehow scraped off the entire nail and most of the nail bed on her little toe. No, she didn't cry. She has broken her braces four times. She has hurt her tail bone numerous times. She smeared lip chap all over her front teeth the day she got her braces. Today, Sarah and I were pretending to fight, with deodorant as our weapons. Don't even ask!! Anyway, I pretended to lash out near her face, and somehow she stuck out her front teeth, and a chunk of deodorant mushed into her front braces. She bravely fled to the bathroom and washed her mouth out about 100 times with toothpaste and water. Then she told me, “Wow, that is the worst thing I've ever tasted,” while giggling. When painful and/or gross things happen to her, she has such an amazing attitude. She usually laughs, sometimes hysterically.
This weekend: DYC conference in Victoria. Next Wednesday-Friday: Juan de Fuca trail with TLA. Day after that: concerto performance. In between activities: school and packing and piano.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dreams and Aspirations

Oops. In my last entry I made a mistake. Sarah quickly informed me that her club is not called “His Divine Mercy” but “Society of His Divine Mercy”. What was I thinking?

Today is the big March for Life in Victoria. I still don't get why there even has to be a protest for the lives of innocent human babies.

My life these days: Memorizing biology and music history. Procrastinating on Socials. Fairly steadily kicking along with English. Praying with my fam and by myself. Playing the piano and trying to wrap my head around the idea of learning my new difficult pieces. Especially playing pieces where the timing is 3 against 4, 7 against 8, and 4 against 5. But I do enjoy the challenge. And they are such awesome pieces! Anyway back to the list. Sleeping. Dreaming about life and questioning myself about life when I'm supposed to be doing school. Debating. Asking my parents questions. Lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Weekday sleepovers which involve school, school, talking, sleeping, school. And a nice sleepover last weekend without any school. Watching hockey, yeah. Playing soccer... never get tired of it. Looking at new cookbooks my mom picked up from the consignment store. Getting bangs- I actually like them (most of the time)! Etc etc etc. By the way, I love cooking/baking. It's so fun to try out new recipes. Not that I cook very much at all!

I will now go against the secular tidal wave and say it clear: I want to be a mother! I can not wait! I want to have kids. I want to read to my kids. Listen to them. Joke with them. Treasure them. Discipline them. Learn from them. I want to raise my kids in the Catholic faith. I want them to know and love Jesus with all their heart. Who says it's a drag to be a mother. Who says you are “trapped” and who says it's any less important than having a career. Maybe I will get a career and not get married, or have to work part time while I raise my kids. But maybe, just maybe, I'll get to be a full-time mother. "Wow. Weird sheltered homeschooler!" some people might say, which is ironic because as far as I know it's actually perfectly natural for me to want to be a mom. It will be hard at times, but certainly not my annoyance in life. I don't understand the feminists who started the idea of “It's such a pain to have to stay at home and do nothing with your life.” Do nothing? Excuse me? A mother has a full time job, and it is one of the most important jobs a person could have in this world I believe. My mom is a wonderful example.. she has sacrificed her "career" to raise my sister and me. I do not think she lives miserably. She tells me that she thanks God every day that she has had the opportunity to homeschool her daughters and share her daily life with them. She has given me so much, I could never thank her enough. We have had so many wonderful times together and since I have been homeschooled, I have grown much closer to her.. and also to my dad and sister.

Well well well. That's all for now, folks.