Wednesday, November 16, 2011

the dilemma of computers

Computers are definitely a significant part of my life although I often wish they weren't. I click and type so much. It drives my parents crazy. Click click click. "Would you stop clicking and listen!" they frequently say to Sarah and me, when we are on the computer. "Yes parents. I'll be off soon, Just let me finish this..." "No! Stop Justing!" Well, that is mainly said to Sawi now. I am now in grade 12 and I have to go on the computer a fair bit for checking emails and writing English essays and reading many assignments. And my parents just have to trust me now. That I don't waste my time clicking on stupid things. I am trustworthy. Mostly. For a fact I don't actually like computers that much. The only two reasons I can think of at the moment why I like them is that I can connect with people outside my house in a fast way, and read other peoples' thoughts, ideas and opinions that engulf the internet. The internet is an interesting and dangerous place, but I believe it can be used for a lot of good too. Like I try to avoid my computer though, by writing my English notes by hand on good, real paper, getting outside, playing the piano, spending my breaks away from it... if I stare at the computer screen too long, it numbs my brain. I'm highly suspicious that computers are helping to ruin many young peoples' minds. They can be addictive. Help laziness. Be a bad distraction. Fortunately my parents were rather careful about my computer use when I was younger, because my young mind was drawn very quickly to the screen.

So, speaking of clicking, I was clicking through a number of cartoons that numerous people have posted on Facebook. Here are two to ponder, and one to laugh at (if you think it's at all funny).

True, isn't it? Here's another one which I can't exactly decide whether I agree with it completely or not at all:

And one more. I'm not even sure why I find it so funny.


  1. This was a cool post, Essy!
    As you might guess, I have some decided opinions on computers. I'm going to tell them to you because I need a way to procrastinate from my horrible, awful, horrible, nasty music essay.
    1. I agree with you on the addiction. I'm rather addicted to my computer, and I'm trying to find a way to stop. It gets worse and worse the more depressed I am too, because all I want to do when I'm feeling depressed is turn my brain off and click through videos on Youtube. Unfortunately, my studies must (of course) involve the computer quite enormously. I CANNOT do without the computer if I'm taking Computer Science.
    2. Actually, my parents limited my time excessively too (mostly because they had to limit my brothers, and it wouldn't be fair if I got to go on all the time and they didn't).
    3. The way computer works though is UTTERLY fascinating. The human genius behind it is equally as fascinating as amazing architecture and complex math and all that. There is even a definite Beauty there that most people can't see. Programmers talk all the time about "elegance" in code. It's difficult to describe, but if you understood programming, you could recognize that beauty that is, again, no less beautiful than a beautifully designed building.
    4. I think most people, though admitting technology is cool and all that, really just think of computers as rather annoying things that make life a bit easier, but break down quite a lot. But do you ever really think about what a computer DOES? I mean, HOW could it possibly do all the stuff it does? It is complete and utter magic, even more so than a huge chunk of metal (an airplane) flying out in the middle of the sky. Also think about how much stuff today is actually run by computers at least partially, including airplanes, cars, phones, banks, hospital records, much of the hospital equipment...Pretty much everything.

  2. (Ok, I'm going to divide this comment into two, because it's getting long.)

    5. And although there is obviously loads of bad stuff on the internet, there is LOADS of good stuff too, if you know where to look. You do read Bad Catholic's blog, right? (He's moved to a place called Patheos now, so if you were thinking he hasn't been posting recently, he actually has--just somewhere else.) There's also this really awesome priest on Youtube that I follow called Fr. Barron. And much other stuff that I'm not going to mention here because I really ought to go back to my terrible music essay.

    Concerning the second cartoon, I think I do agree with it. Both methods of dressing are not fully appreciating the true beauty of the human body, and are partially due to a culture's lack of interest in true chastity and true beauty. Although as for male-dominated, I'm not sure. I think there is to a certain extent, but then there's also decided female domination, at least in our culture.

    1. Oops I did not discover your replies till just now!! Thank you so much for your input. Your points are very valid and I agree with them all. The way computers work IS utterly fascinating AND... I am most certain I will never understand them. They can be used for so much good, you are most certainly right. And yes, I often read posts by Bad Catholic and I absolutely love them!
      I guess what I meant when I said computers can be such a waste of time and are bad, etc, is that they are just that for certain people. For those people I don't think it's worth it, both spiritually and mentally- sometimes the cons outweigh the pros. Especially teenagers who don't understand them and embrace all of their bad qualities, sometimes without knowing it. I mean computers as in the ones that sit on young people's (and sometimes older people's) desks, for hours of socializing and stuff like that. (Not saying socializing through the internet is necessarily bad at all- obviously I have a blog, I chat, and have facebook.) But it can turn bad pretty quick if one isn't on guard I believe. I'm not talking about the computers used by intelligent people (like you) who have the discipline to not waste hours of their valuable time, and who discover amazing things!
      I hope your terrible music essay went well :)

  3. Yeah...about that discipline...
    As I mentioned above, I really am rather addicted to my computer. There is a serious issue there. And I do NOT have the discipline to not waste hours of my valuable time. I DO discover amazing things, but also lots of pointless stuff too.
