People who celebrate Easter without knowing about Lent are sure missing out! While we are beautiful creations made in the image of God, we have a strong tendency to want to do things our own way, and even rebel against God. Lent is a time of fasting, penance, and giving oneself to others as a way of showing sorrow for our rebellious behavior. Not that we shouldn't do and think these things throughout the year, but in the Church, there is a special place for them during Lent. Unfortunately many do not seem to see the significance of Lent anymore and rather just skip to the joyous part: Easter Sunday! Where everyone is happy!
Wait a second. Without knowing what it is like to be truly hungry, can one really experience the joy of eating a good meal? In other words, without any fasting, almsgiving, giving up something you truly enjoy, or reflecting on the reasons for the 40 days before Easter, how can one really celebrate the true meaning of Easter and partake in the celebration at a deeper level? The Church has, for centuries, encouraged the practice of Lent. And it makes sense!
During the 40 days before Easter, Jesus fasted in the desert. He was tempted, wounded, and scorned. During Lent, Catholics as well as some other Christians really reflect on this. We take something away from ourselves, such as a food we really love, to help us remember Jesus' suffering. Or we do something extra special for someone else that kind of makes us go out of our way. Fasting and other ways of abstaining from things important to ourselves also helps us remember to always be on guard from temptations to sin. As well, it is a reminder to us that we do not need everything we want in the here and now. We live in a society that teaches one to live in the moment, but we are called to look beyond the present moment, to what we would like to become after death.
And hey, crucifixes are great reminders of Lent. Isn't that focusing on the sad part? Of course! No sadness, no joy, no death, no resurrection!
Successful Lent, everyone... ;)